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Lethal TeamLethal Products began from a passion to bring new, patented technology to help everybody who enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, and so much more. We want you to be more successful and comfortable while in the great outdoors. Developed from the same world-renowned laboratories as the hugely successful OdoBan product line, Lethal Products offer un-matched quality and performance. The sister companies OdoBan and Lethal Products are all part of Clean Control Corporation and share technologies.

With that in mind, Lethal Products are not only the best, but we applied and received a patent for the Field Spray formula. Since 1980, our effort has been to produce effective products using the safest chemicals possible using environmentally preferable raw materials. This has been a cornerstone of Clean Control success. Preserving our planet is a large part of what Lethal Products, OdoBan, and Clean Control Corporation represent.

Lethal Products owner, Steve Davison, is an avid outdoorsman that enjoys venturing out, fishing, farming, and is an avid gun collector that fully supports our 2nd Amendment rights. Steve stands firmly in his beliefs as we all should as God fearing and USA loving citizens of this great country.

Lethal Products’ goal has always been to bring the best quality and latest technology to the outdoor industry. Whether it is for scent elimination and odor control field products or personal care products, as well as our laundry and gear care lines, we will continue to innovate, test and improve our product lines. We have a full laboratory staffed with in house chemists, bacteriologist and R & D staff. We design, test and manufacture our products right here in our own manufacturing facility in the heart of the south.

We want to thank you for your business, we appreciate each and every one of you.

– The Lethal Products and OdoBan Team