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No 1 Gun Oil - Lethal Products
NO 1 GUN OIL $8.99$17.98
“This gun oil was a life saver this waterfowl season. Last minute trip to Missouri and I bust my tail chasing a crippled bird and COMPLETELY SUBMERGE my browning in the mud. Rinsed the gun with some fresh water and sprayed it down with the no1 gun oil I had stashed in my blind bag and kept hunting. That night I was able to take my 12 gauge apart and really wipe it down with the lethal gun oil and she shot like she was brand new the next morning at first light. The size of the bottle is really convenient for throwing in a hunting bag or blind bag and hitting the woods.”
Shampoo And Body Wash
SHAMPOO & BODY WASH - SCENT FREE Original price was: $13.99.Current price is: $13.99. $9.79 “This is by far my favorite scent control shower wash I have ever used. I have taken scent control serious sense starting to bow hunt back in high school. Every scentless shower product I have used has made my hair feel stiff, dry, and unhealthy until I started using lethal. After a long work day of sweating in the early season, a quick shower using the lethal 2-n-1 shampoo and body wash got me ready for a September bow hunt here in SC. I have a video from one of the first times I used this product along side the lethal field spray that involved a nice buck downwind at 10 yards that had no idea I was even there, big confidence boost going into the bow woods smelling like I belong there!”
Lethal-Field-Wipes - Lethal Products
FIELD BODY WIPES Original price was: $8.89.Current price is: $8.89. $6.22 “I got a lot of use out of these field wipes this season! Bow hunting on the property I manage, when work ran over and I needed to be in the tree, I would wipe down with these before heading to the woods. I hate getting in the woods later and risk spooking deer, so on days where time to shower was limited, these field wipes were a helpful tool!”